Build A Website In 3 Minutes (Sully Omarr)

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The World Wide Web and how websites are built forever changed drastically this year. You can now build a website in 3 Minutes.


If you’ve been keeping up with A.I (and it is very hard to keep with as it is escalating at a breakneck pace) you are mot likely aware that the advances being made are mind blowing.

Here Were Sully Omarr’s Directive:

“The objective was simple: Create a website using react. Restrictions: Make a form, add a header “made with autoGPT” then change the background to being blue. Im sure if i gave it more directive it would


Here Were Sully Omarr’s Results:

Alright, this is getting too crazy. Soon you won’t even need to code anymore.

I setup AutoGPT and it I asked it to build a website for me.

And it succeeded. In under 3 minutes. Using react and tailwindcss. All by itself.