What The Latest Facebook Pixel Update Means

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Most every webmaster and marketer use Facebook Pixels as part of their campaign monitoring techniques. Pixels play an essential role in tracking analytics for site visitors. Some recent updates are important for advertisers to take note of.   First-Party Cookie … Read More

The New Google Adwords

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The New Google Adwords is rolled out and you can no longer switch back to the old platform. By Nicole Parmar   The latest Google Adwords updates have a big impact on marketers. Learn more about the changes below.   … Read More

10 Reasons to Use Neuromarketing

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Every marketer ultimately aims to do the same thing: Improve their results as they spend less on advertising. Neuromarketing is a promising approach that can help marketers work towards this goal.   What Is Neuromarketing? Neuromarketing enables a smarter kind … Read More

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